Artful Spaces Cover Art
“Artful Spaces” print marketing flyer designed by Isabel Reyes
This was a project that I was particularly pleased with how it turned out. For “Artful Spaces” I designed the marketing flyers (seen above) and the video (below) that was used to promote this charity event.  Artful Spaces was a charity art show that took place within a model home at the Liberty Ridge Community. As part of the art show, each room of the model home showcased the work of a particular artist — each room an “Artful Space”.The organization of the artwork in a different room allowed for the showcasing of not only the art work, but of also of each actual room in the model home.
With that in mind, I designed the marketing flyer to be reminiscent of a home floor plan, wherein each artists work was showcased in it’s own rectangular space, like the many rooms in a home, each with it’s own purpose and personality. I also composed the words “Artful” and “space” so that they lived in their own distinct portion of the composition and yet met at a point (the ‘s’ and ‘p’ merging into the ‘u’) much like the doorways in floor plans connect rooms and spaces.  The “Artful Spaces” video (viewable below) that I also designed and created was used as part of the advertising campaign for the charity event.

Artful Spaces, designed, directed and created by Isabel Reyes – hosted on Vimeo.